Online bank uml use case diagram
Online bank uml use case diagram

online bank uml use case diagram

All the transactions he performed are reflected in the bank database. The vendor provided for communication is now closed from database.

online bank uml use case diagram

Logout- Use case specifications 4.1 Brief Description The person who ever logged in to the system or bank database has to logout after all the work is over. 3.4 Pre Conditions The user must possess a login id and password. 3.3 Alternate Flow If in the basic flow, the details specified by user are invalid the he is informed that his login is failed. On success user can precede the transaction. A user may be an invalid user so the system has to prompt the person appropriately. A vendor is provided for communication with bank’s database and this vendor provides safety and atomicity. Login- Use case specifications 3.1 Brief Description The online customer or a bank employee has to login to access their accounts from bank database. 2.5 Post Conditions The account database is modified after transaction. 2.4 Pre Conditions The employee must possess a account login and password. Then the person is not employee of the bank and he is not having authority to perform those actions. 2.3 Alternate Flow If in the basic flow, the details specified by employee are invalid the he is informed that his login is failed. On success employee can withdraw or deposit money, issue loans and DD/cheque to the customers. Employee enters his username and password. And the intended services are provided to the customers. Bank employee is allowed to modify the database accordingly. Download Uml diagrams for bank management and more Java Programming Study notes in PDF only on Docsity! BANK MANAGEMENT (Mini-project) By G.SHAKIR Use Case Modeling Use Case diagram for Banking System: An employee can have operations like withdrawal of money, giving loans, furnishing the DD/cheque and customers may want to deposit money.

Online bank uml use case diagram