Hayward Salt Chlorination TurboCell ,Welcome to another edition of Hayward product training today we will cover proper cleaning of Hayward’s Turbo Cell for salt chlorine generators for optimum T-cell operation and life expectancy you will need to inspect your T-cell approximately every three months of operation or five hundred hours and clean the cell if necessary however cell cleaning frequency is dependent on several factors pH and calcium levels in the water are the two that have the greatest effect on how often the cell requires clean maintaining pH between the recommended levels of to as well as keeping the calcium level between 200 and 400 parts per million should result in the cell only needing to be cleaned three to four times a year the Hayward control will automatically remind you when it is time to clean the cell with the check system light being lit and when you scroll through the default menu you will see inspect cell for the Aqua Rite Pro, press the info button to access the default menu to view the inspect cell notification if using a T-cell in conjunction with an Aqua Rite the inspect cell LED will be lit after 500 hours of operation to begin turn off the circulation pump this can be accomplished at the control and if you have a stand-alone Aqua Rite at the time clock or on/off switch next turn off the power to the control box or breaker panel unplug the cell from the Hayward control or Aqua Rite keep in mind the only portion of the t-cell and cell cable that it’s not waterproof is the end of the cord that attaches to the control now remove the cell from the plumbing by un thread the union’s on both sides of cell the unions un thread in opposite directions each other they un thread counterclockwise we are now ready to begin the cleaning process first note the calcium deposits inside the cell start by rinsing out the cell with a garden hose to remove any course debris or deposits that may be present be careful to keep the cords plug end dry next it is extremely important to note that proper eye protection and protective gloves need to be used while chemically cleaning the T-cell in addition make sure the procedures are done in a well-ventilated area outdoors make sure to keep a water supply handy to deluding solution might spill follow the chemical manufacturers recommendations for proper storing or disposing of the water acid solution muriatic acid can cause severe injury burns and respiratory problems if not handled properly please refer to the acid manufactures directions for safe handling to make the acid solution mix one part muriatic acid to 4 parts tap water in a clean plastic bucket or jug it is extremely important to always add acid to the water and never add the water to the acid one way to remember this is that you would never try to add the entire poor into the bottle of acid.

How to Clean Your Hayward Salt Chlorination Turbo Cell